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Open Gym

Our Open Gym Program is for Boys and Girls ages 6 and up! Gymnasts get a chance to work whatever skills they are interested in without having to follow a structured schedule. There are coaches in the gym that will help you with your progression.
Bring a friend! Bring three friends! For more information call 401-333-1530.

PreSchool & PeeWee Thursday 10:30-11:30 am
Saturdays from 3:00-4:00 PM
$20.00 For Members
$25 For non-members
Pay as you go

Best Birthday Parties at OSSG!

That’s right, your next birthday party can be held right here at the OSSG Center. Games, contests, gymnastics and more!! Best of all, there’s no mess to clean up after the party’s over. Our staff at OSSG will handle everything. Learn more ›