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Adult Class/Open Gym

No Experience Necessary (18+ yrs) Structured Adult Class for men and women 18+ Saturday 4:00-5:00 $150 per month, pre-registration required Adult Open Workout for men and women 18+ Wednesday 8:00-9:00 pm Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm We offer $20 member rate or $25.00 for non-members per cl...

Boys (7+ yrs)

Boys classes are for boys aged 7 years and older. These classes are an hour in duration. Boys work out on all the men’s competitive events including pommel horse, high bar, parallel bars, vault, floor exercise, still rings, trampoline, and tumble track. Boys recr...

Girls (7+ yrs)

Girls classes are for girls aged 7 years and older. These classes are an hour in duration. Girls workout on all the women’s competitive events including vault, uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise, trampoline and tumble track. Girls recreational classes are ...

KinderGym, Boys & Girls 5-6 years

KinderGym Classes for Boys & Girls 5-6 years $150.00 per month. Beginning 9/2/24 Subject to change annually.​1x per week for 60 mins. $60.00 annual family membership/registration Monday 6:00-7:00 pm Tuesday 5:00-6:00 pm Wednesday 4:15-5:15 pm Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm Fr...

Ninja Class

Ninja Classes For boys and girls of all ages. Learn how to run, jump, flip and roll like some of the American Ninja Warriors you see on TV. Our classes are made up of a warm-up, ninja skill building, obstacle course and a challenge and game! This is a great way to learn playground sa...

Open Gym

Open Gym Our Open Gym Program is for Boys and Girls ages 6 and up! Gymnasts get a chance to work whatever skills they are interested in without having to follow a structured schedule. There are coaches in the gym that will help you with your progression. Bring a friend! Bring th...

PeeWee, Boys & Girls, 16 mos-3 yrs

PreSchool Gymnastics Classes (3-5 yrs) $128.00 per month. Beginning 9/2/24 Subject to change annually.​1x per week for 50 mins. $60.00 annual family membership/registration Monday 4:00-4:50 pm 5:00-5:50 pm Tuesday 4:00-4:50 pm 6:10-7:00 pm Wednesday 9:30-10:20 am 10:30...

Private Lessons

Private Lessons at OSSG Week days between the hours of 2:00-4:30 pm and 7:30-9:30 pm Saturdays 2:00-4:00 pm Members $50.00 per half hour $90.00 per hour Non Members $60.00 per half hour $110.00 per hour Call the office to reserve your spot! 401-333-1530 Failure to notif...

Summer Camp

2025 Summer Camp For The Quality Minded - We Are Fully Air-Conditioned with economizers Our camp staff are the same full time instructors we have year round. We do not hire summer fill-in help **New Policy: All campers must be registered and paid in full prior to attendance. An...


Team membership is by invitation only. Requiring more of a comitment, it's purpose is to give extra gymnastics training as well as an opportunity to compete with other gymnastics schools. We strive to promote loyalty, respect, self-confidence and self-discipline to their fullest, ...

Tramp & Tumble Boys/Girls 3+yrs

Tramp & Tumble (Boys & Girls) Tramp & Tumble classes are for children who are interested in spending all their class time working on tumbling skills only. These classes include trampoline, tumble track, double mini tramp and floor exercise. $150 per month, $60.00 ann...

Best Birthday Parties at OSSG!

That’s right, your next birthday party can be held right here at the OSSG Center. Games, contests, gymnastics and more!! Best of all, there’s no mess to clean up after the party’s over. Our staff at OSSG will handle everything. Learn more ›